Last few days to snag some sweet art from Oso Rey! Also, we restocked on Holy Smoke incense! @holysmokeincense
#incense #local #buylocal #shoplocal #supportlocal #localart #localdj #localproducer #asheville #avl #ashevillenc #828 #haywood #haywoodheroes #allgreatinthe828 #thecircle #thecircleasheville #westsidebestside #timelapse #gopro

In town for the @thediscobiscuits show at @salvagestation ? Don’t forget to check out the West Side!! Haywood is the REAL heart of Asheville!! Stop by The Circle and check out our wide selection of locally made glass, art, and clothing! This weekend only, say the code phrase “Biscuits in SPACE!†and get 20% off any one Asheville made product!
#discobiscuits #bisco #campbisco #asheville #thesalvagestation #salvagestation #avl #avlnc #westside #haywood #haywoodrd #westsidebestside #party #partyhearty #headshop #avlheadshop #supportlocal #shoplocal #buylocal #partylocal #localart #localartist #burndown #burnone #glasspipe #glassofasheville #glassofavl #828 #828isgreat #westavl #westasheville

This lucky star is the winner of the grand prize in our raffle!! Wow wee wow! What a prize it is ! 🤩 This monster stemless bub was a four way collab between 4 talented ladies. I’m so happy that it has found a new awesome home and it’s in Asheville!! Congrats again to our winner!! #raffle #monsterbub #winner #winner #chickendinner #chugalugbub #localbusiness #local #glassblowers #glassofasheville #westasheville #heady

Answer? Racism.
#legalize #legalizeit #cannabis #ganja #pot #marijuana #hemp #weed #naturalmedicine #naturalhealing #cbdcures #cbdheals #cbd
http://www.newser.com/story/235731/the-history-of-why-the-feds-spell-pot-marihuana.html Plant formerly known as cannabis got a new name thanks to Spanish-American War
April Showers Bring May Flowers! 🌺🌸🌼🌷🌺🌸🌼🌷🌺🌸🌼🌷20% Off On All Dry Pipes All Month!🔥🌺💨🔥🌸💨🔥🌼💨🔥🌷💨
#aprilshowers #mayflowers #drypipe #dryguy #flowers #flower #flowerpipe #flowerpiece #headydry #asheville #avl #avlnc #828 #haywood #haywoodheroes #westside #westsidebestside #bestside
That feeling when you come in to work and their is a wasp flying around the ceiling...ðŸ¹ðŸš€ðŸ”ªðŸ¹ðŸš€ðŸ”ªðŸ¹ðŸš€ðŸ”ª
Watch out for them stingy boys...
.#stingyboys #spring #springtime #springhassprung #watchout #divebomb #wasp #wasps #swat #swatter #flyswatter #gonzo #hunter #fearandloathinginlasvegas #fearandloathing

Introducing our May Artist of the Month!
Oso Rey

🔥Come check out our locally made Chalice selection:) 🔥 Looking for a chalice? A chalice is used for mediation to stimulate this inner being through spiritual discourse~ we have a nice selection, open til 7 tonite. Bless Up
Don’t forget your sunglasses today! It’s a bright one out there! Short on papers? Need a new pipe? Stop in to The Circle. We got you covered. 🕶 ☀ï¸ðŸžðŸ’🕶☀ï¸ðŸžðŸ’🕶☀ï¸ðŸžðŸ’
#sunny #sunglasses #getoutside #gooutside #asheville #avl #avlnc #828 #beautifulday #sunshine #rollone #rolloneup #twistone #twistitup #burnone #packitup #smerkaberl

Not mad at that!!🔥🌲ðŸ’🔥🌲ðŸ’🔥🌲ðŸ’🔥🌲ðŸ’
#legalizeit #legalize #regulate #taxit #medicine #medicinal #patients #patientsnotcriminals #notacriminal #itsjustaplant #harmless #freetheweed